Get Rona out of the Middle East with her hero, Sgt. Ash
We can't leave her behind to die...
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We have to raise $6000 fast to get Rona the cat out of the Middle East with Sgt. Ash
Sgt. Ash is deployed in the Middle East. Her roommate, who worked for the vet on base, told her about a week-old kitten they had rescued off post who was barely surviving, needing around the clock care. Ash went to pick up the sick kitten, and put the cat’s box on her night stand so she could watch her through the night. Twice she almost lost her. But she kept fighting, and with Ash’s loving care, she made it. She named her cat Rona.
Sgt. Ash is doing everything she can to make Rona a permanent part of her family. Terrifyingly, the vet said that once Sgt. Ash left her deployment, that Rona would be put back in the wild to fend for herself. Her future would be grim, if she had one at all. Sgt. Ash couldn’t let this happen, and neither will Guardians.
The Sgt. spends all her time with Rona, who sleeps snuggled with her every night. Together we must get Rona back to the States with Sgt. Ash so that they can be each other’s comfort for many years ahead. We have to help with the expenses, and we need your help to do that. We can’t let Rona be left behind. Wondering what happened to Rona would haunt our brave soldier for the rest of her life.
Please chip in, if you can, to help us get Rona the brave cat back home with Sgt. Ash, the brave soldier. $6,000 sounds like a lot, and it is, but these donations add up fast if we all give a little.
Thanks from the bottom of our hearts for helping this little cat and her hero.
Together we save them,
Guardians of Rescue