Guardians of Rescue is on a mission to help save two soldiers’ dogs from Honduras
Checks can be mailed to: Guardians of Rescue, 34 East Main St., Suite 303, Smithtown NY 11787
As military resources around the world are becoming more engaged in response to the recent developments in the Ukraine, many soldiers are being redeployed to new posts. With these hurried relocations taking place, soldiers are being forced to abandon the pets they rescued overseas, and non-profit Guardians of Rescue is in a race to get those animals to safety in America. For two dogs in particular - Mattie and Riches, rescued by U.S. soldiers stationed in Honduras, that need is even more urgent after a third dog is already feared to have met a tragic fate.
“Mattie and Riches are in immediate danger if we do not get them out right away,” explains Robert Misseri, founder and president of Guardians of Rescue. “We are working to help many soldiers to save their pets, but we are overwhelmed with requests for assistance and we can’t do it alone. We rely on the support of compassionate members of the community.”
Mattie and Riches, along with Rags, were homeless dogs rescued by soldiers Captain Ridge and Sergeant Silver stationed in Honduras. The three stray dogs, seeking a place to rest in the shade each day, would find it under the soldiers' helicopter wing. At first, they were too afraid of the soldiers to go closer to them, but over time they began to earn their trust. Visibly hungry and in need of medical care, they started moving closer to the soldiers, creating a relationship with them. Caring for the trio was a welcome respite in a harsh environment and brought a sense of family so far from home.
When they finally let their guard down, the dogs made friends with soldiers who fed them, cleaned them up, and gave them the medical care they needed. One day the unthinkable happened and Rags went missing, it was suspected he had been taken. Some locals in the surrounding area are not kind to animals, and many are killed if they don’t first succumb to the other dangers of a life without someone to care for them. The soldiers are devastated. They have done everything they can to protect the dogs from harm, but soon they won't be able to at all. They are desperate to get them to a safe life with their families back home in America.
“Mattie has brought so much joy to me and many of the other soldiers on the base.” says Captain Ridge. “Once out of harm’s way, the hope is that Mattie has a future as a therapy dog; bringing comfort and a smile to those in need. She is so affectionate and has a lot of love to give.”
Now that the soldiers have gotten orders and will be redeployed within days, they fear what will happen to Mattie and Riches if left behind. They are desperate to rescue and relocate the two dogs back to their families in America. They have a goal of training Mattie to be a therapy dog because she's so lovable and affectionate.
“We are doing everything in our power to make sure our heroic soldiers do not have to endure the heartbreak of being forced to leave their rescued family behind to a terrible fate,” added Misseri. “Saving these animals is the least we can do for these soldiers who do so much for us. We appreciate any donation to help with this mission.”