Help save Gunner from Overseas image

Help save Gunner from Overseas

Hero's cat needs our help to escape danger


Gunner needs help to escape a life of suffering

Homeless, emaciated, and desperately thirsty, Gunner the cat crept into a hangar on an American military base overseas trying to get some relief from the brutal midday heat; he was exhausted after searching for hours to find a safe place to rest. U.S. Army Sergeant Rivers saw him and as a cat lover she immediately noticed how underweight and dirty he was, and wanted to help him. He was afraid of people so she left food and water for him in the hope he'd take it. He did. On the next day, she left him some more, and so began a daily routine where Gunner would wait hiding in a corner for his hero to come by, and little by little he began to trust Sergeant Rivers. Their bond grew stronger each day and Gunner helped Sergeant Rivers through the difficulties of deployment and gave her something to look forward to. Now, she wants to save his life.

Sergeant Rivers will soon be returning Stateside and can't face leaving her vulnerable friend behind to suffer again so she reached out to Guardians of Rescue through our No Buddy Left Behind program in hope to get Gunner to safety. We need your help because they have no one else to turn to.

Life for homeless animals overseas is a constant struggle just to stay alive. Gunner made it this long only thanks to the love and care of Sergeant Rivers - without her, he has no one. To save him, she only has us.

Please join us in Gunner's rescue mission because even just a few dollars today will mean together we can get him out of harm's way, and to the safety of America where he can be by his brave soldier Mom's side in his first real home.

Thank You for being by our side to help animals in need, like Gunner.

Together we save them,
Guardians of Rescue

Guardians of Rescue Inc. is a charitable organization as described in §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; In accordance with the Internal Revenue Service guidelines, Guardians of Rescue Inc. maintains discretion and sole control over the use of all donated funds. All donations are non-refundable. In practice, Guardians of Rescue Inc. honors the giving preferences for any of our previously approved programs and projects whenever possible. In rare cases, when that is not possible, gifts will be used where needed. Therefore, donors explicitly release Guardians of Rescue Inc. from any restrictions on how those funds are spent. No goods or services were provided in return for any contribution. Contributions are tax-deductible to the limit allowed by law if the donor itemizes.